Travelling for first time to India? – Here are the do’s and dont’s

India is a beautiful country, rich in culture, history, and diversity. Traveling to India can be a life-changing experience, but it is important to be well-prepared before you arrive. There are many things to consider when traveling to India, including culture shock, safety, health, and transportation. This blog post will provide valuable traveling advice for those planning a trip to India.

Culture and Etiquette

India is a country with a unique culture and set of values. It is important to be aware of customs and etiquette when traveling in India. Different regions of India have different customs and practices, so it is important to be mindful of the local culture. Here are some tips to help you navigate India’s culture:

  1. Dress Appropriately
    India is a conservative country, and it is important to dress appropriately. Women should avoid wearing revealing or tight clothing, and it is advisable to cover your shoulders and knees. Men should also dress modestly and avoid shorts or sleeveless tops. Respect for the culture is important and wearing appropriate clothing can avoid unwanted attention.
  2. Remove Shoes
    In many parts of India, it is customary to remove shoes before entering a home or place of worship. If you are unsure, look for shoes outside the entrance or ask someone if it is necessary to remove your shoes.
  3. Show Respect to Religious Sites
    India has many religious sites, and it is important to show respect to them. Take off your shoes, cover your head, and dress modestly before entering a mosque, temple, or other religious site. Avoid taking photographs in front of deities, sitting on altars, or touching anything.
  4. Use your Right Hand
    In India, the left hand is considered unclean, so it is important to use your right hand for eating, drinking, and giving or receiving anything. Similarly, avoid pointing your finger or feet towards people as they are considered disrespectful.
  5. Greetings
    Indians commonly greet each other with the word ‘namaste’ with joined hands raised to the chest as it is a sign of respect. You may also hear the phrase ‘salaam’, which is used to greet Muslims.
  6. Don’t be afraid to ask for Help
    Indians are generally hospitable and welcoming, so don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. If you are unsure about something, ask a local for guidance.
  7. Bargain
    Bargaining is common in markets in India. Don’t forget to bargain when shopping as it is expected by vendors. However, it is important not to bargain too hard as this can be disrespectful.

Safety and Security

Safety is an essential aspect of traveling, particularly when it comes to visiting countries like India. It is important first and foremost to research the current political, social, and economic context of India before booking the trip. Always keep your safety in mind and follow these tips to ensure a safe journey:

  1. Avoid Unlit and Desolate Areas
    India is not a stranger to crimes against tourists. It is advisable to avoid isolated and poorly lit areas, especially at night. If you are traveling alone, stick to busy and well-lit places.
  2. Stay Alert
    As in any other foreign country, it is vital to be aware of your surroundings. Be vigilant and cautious, especially in crowded places, markets, and tourist spots. Watch out for pickpockets and scams.
  3. Avoid Public Display of Affection
    India is conservative, and public display of affection is considered inappropriate. Keep things respectful towards the culture and avoid PDA to avoid unwanted attention.
  4. Know Your Emergency Contacts
    Make sure you have the emergency contact numbers of the U.S embassy in India and the local police station to ensure prompt assistance in an emergency.
  5. Use Trusted Transport
    For long journeys, it is best to use trusted and reputable transport, such as taxis or trains from recognized outlets. It’s important to avoid hitchhiking or unmarked vehicles, as they may not be safe or reliable.
  6. Don’t Give Personal Details
    Be careful not to reveal personal information to strangers, such as your hotel details, travel plans, or even phone numbers which could lead you to danger.
  7. Use Hotel Safety Measures
    Finally, always use safety measures provided by hotels, such as deadbolts, peepholes, and safes.

Food and Beverages

India has a diverse culinary culture, and it is a unique experience to try the signature dishes of each region. However, as a foreign traveler, you need to take precautions about what you eat and drink. Here are some tips on safe dining when in India:

  1. Purified Water
    Drink only purified or bottled water while in India. Avoid tap water and reduce ice usage in drinks.
  2. Cooked Food
    Cooked food should be your preferred choice, and avoid raw dishes, like salads, that may carry contaminated water.
  3. Street Food
    India is known for its delicious street food, but it is important to be cautious while eating street food. Look for busy street vendors with fresh food. If you are unsure about a vendor, it is best to avoid it.
  4. Hygienic Surroundings
    Eat in places that look hygienic with clean kitchens, tables, and surroundings. As the country is exposed to dust and grime outside, look for food places with ceilings and fans or air-conditioning enclosed areas.
  5. Spicy Food
    Indian cuisine is known for its spices and flavors, but be cautious of the level of heat. That’s because Indian spicy food may cause diarrhea or indigestion for people who are not used to it.


One critical aspect of traveling to any foreign country is to stay healthy. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy when in India:

  1. Vaccinations
    Make sure you have updated vaccinations and take anti-malaria medication if visiting rural parts of India.
  2. Medical Supplies
    Pack medical supplies, such as anti-diarrhea tablets, insect repellent, sunscreen, first aid kit, and any medications you may require.
  3. Wash Hands
    Hand hygiene is crucial. Frequent hand washing with soap and water helps prevent common stomach bugs.
  4. Stay Hydrated
    The heat and humidity can cause dehydration, so avoid too much sun exposure and drink enough water and fluids.
  5. Travel Insurance
    Before traveling, take out travel insurance to help cover unexpected health expenses while in India.


India is a vast country with a long list of modes of transportation. Here are some tips to help you navigate the transportation system in India:

  1. Train Travel
    Train travel is affordable and one of the most popular modes of transportation in India. Always make reservations well in advance, and book the higher classes to avoid overcrowded situations.
  2. Taxis
    Taxis and prepaid cabs are readily available at airports, railway stations, and hotels. Always negotiate the fare before getting into a taxi, or choose only trusted services like Uber or Ola.
  3. Buses
    Buses are also available in India, but it can be complicated for foreign travelers. It is advisable to ask locals or hotel staff to recommend trusted bus companies.
  4. Flights
    If flying, book ahead of time, and choose reputable airlines for domestic travel. The peak season for travel is November to February, so book in advance.


Traveling to India can be an incredible adventure, but it is necessary to be prepared with the right information and knowledge. Understanding Indian culture, and taking precautions for health and safety can help ensure a positive and enriching experience. With the above tips, we hope you have an unforgettable trip to India. Enjoy your journey!

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